General information
- Can I earn points from bookings made via an intermediary?
- Can I earn points from bookings made before I became a Club OK member?
- How do I earn points?
- Do the points expire? And how about the account?
- I forgot my password. How do I recover it?
- How do I sign up to Club OK?
- How can I find out how many OK Club points I have?
- Is the OK Club registration free of charge?
- How can I join the OK Club?
- How can I redeem my OK Club points?
- If I have booked in the past, before I joined the club, can I get those points back?
- What are the benefits of Club OK?
- Can I redeem mobility days on websites other than
- What are the advantages of being an OK Club member?
- How can I earn points to obtain OK Club gifts or benefits?
- What is the OK Club?
- How much does Club OK cost?